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Sunday 8 October 2017

RNTM Cycle 1 - Task 2 Judging Panel

The Girl Who Falls Flat on Her Face
Episode 4
"Judging and Elimination"

Welcome back to Roxanne's Next Top Model Cycle 1, last week we gave our contestants the challenge to create a scenery posing for a dance theme that was assigned to them! Tango, Jive, Ballet, Cha Cha, and one mystery dance that B.E.A.T.K.A was able to choose as a bonus for winning BEST photo. 
With only 9 contestants left, lets see who will dance their way to next week, and who will fall flat on their face.
We will start off with the order of who turned in their tasks!

First up, Lil_Rocker_Grl

Lil_Rocker_Grl - TANGO
Roxanne: Well, I must say I am thoroughly impressed with this scene! You're face is ABSOLUTELY to die for! You have this killer smize that brings the sexiness, and the fierceness of the Tango to life! I think the sideways pose is okay, it could be better, it just doesn't look amazing because your head is HUGE compared to your body! However, the way you are standing dominates the whole scene, and you look SUPER powerful! Your outfit however is simple, and monochromatic, but its so HAUTE. Overall, a HUGE step-up from last week. You nailed it with the styling, and the power, and sexy vibe of the tango. But just missed the mark on neatness with your giant HEAD!

Lucy: Using profile might be smart - but only if you pull it off, which this unfortunately does not. If she was half-turned, the shoulder would still be somewhat seen, this just looks her chest got chopped off. I do think the skirt looks fabulous and it's definitely on theme.

The next girl up is, LoveFontinh

LoveFontinh - CHA CHA
Roxanne: Hmm, I don't know about this scene. I style wise is okay. I think you missed the energy of the Cha Cha. You should have some BRIGHT and FUN colors and clothes,and this is to chic for me. But the outfit is still very nice, but theme wise it doesn't fit the dance. I really do not like the pose, I think its stiff, and its is messy! There isn't a knee on the bent leg, and your right arm is very pointy! The arm that's touching your hair is almost flawless i like it! I think you didn't do well on the cleanliness of this scene. A lot of stuff has been chopped off like parts of your hair, and your knee! I think its an okay photo, your face is the same as last week! I just think last week you had a stellar shot, and this week is... weak.

Lucy: Love that leg pose, and the behind-head arm is well placed - even her long hair manages to look decent with the pose  - but we could have done without the other half of this scenery, it completely distracts from your doll, and she's so tiny it's hard to tell what's actually going on

The next girl up is, GirlSahar444

GirlSahar444 - TANGO
Roxanne: I think we have a theme this week, a case of the same-face-as-last-weeks-photo-itis. This is a modeling contest, and in the real world you wont make it if you area one trick pony! Just something to think about. So i think this scene could have been GREAT, had your leg that's bent not been so TINY! If you were to be standing in this photo that leg would have been way shorter than the other leg! Anatomy is not super easy to recreate, but you need to make sure that your poses are pretty anatomically correct! The pose itself is very TANGO, but as your face doesn't really fit the power, it seems, to innocent. Your outfit is super cute, I like it! You did a WAY better job than last week and I am proud of you for that!

Lucy:  Uh. I googled, and could not find anything even nearly resembling this pose. Maybe include it in the imgur next time, because this looks oddly like she's jumping? Or stretching? I really don't know. The hands and arms are done well enough,and  though I don't know if that's the best dress for this pose as it's supposed to be fitting on the legs

Next up is, Louisa.Karemina

Louisa.Karemina - BALLET

 Roxanne: The danger about backgrounds is they need to be good, otherwise you end up having a mess. That is unfortunately the case for you! The platform you are standing on is chopped up from your posters you use to create your pose! You also suffer from same-face-as-last-weeks-photo-itis which is unfortunate. Um, your pose is not great really, i think it is super choppy, and one of your arms is too long, and on of your legs is too short! I am just really underwhelmed because last week you had a such an awesome photo , and you are a favorite among the audience! I think you could have done a whole lot better! The styling is good.

Lucy: Smart choice, using a stardesign leg pose, and the mask-holding hand looks decent around the shoulder, which is what man have issues with. The upper arm looks bizarrely elongated. While the top is well place, the colors in this are making me cringe a lot

Next up is Ealain!

Ealain - BALLET
Roxanne: This is the ealain I know and LOVE! The 3/4ths pose, the styling, the face, the atmosphere! I have truly missed you so much, and I am just so happy to have you back with this contest! I absolutely LOVE THIS SCENE! It is the BEST of the night in my opinion! There is only one flaw I can make out and that would be your foot that's up in the air should have been POINTED, but its not super major to where it brings the scene down! It's so light, yet so strong! That is what ballet is! NEAR PERFECT SCENE. 

Lucy: How unfortunate to be able to see the back leg in the scenery, I'm glad it was a glitch, however unfortunate. I just adore the body and the leg, they're very well done . There is something a little off about her left shoulder and I'm not sure what the thing on her head is.

Next up we have, Dorky123,
Dorky123 - Jive
Roxanne: Well you got the ENERGY right for the Jive. The outfit is also super cute, and vintage! I do think your face and the styling of your hair and make-up are off theme by a lot! Seems to 2017. I also think you could have had more shape to your pose, and just a little bit more cleanliness. Because the bent arm is short, and the straight arm is TOO long! Overall, a cute scene! 

Lucy: Definitely don't love this, but it could be worse. The pose overall just looks messily done, but the shape of it is decent. The top is well chosen for the pose with the wider sleeves fitting over the arms, which is an issue a lot of contestants seem to forget.

Lastly, Uitsili,

Uitsili - Cha Cha
 Roxanne: I really ENJOY this scene! Its super fresh, and HOLY COW, the BEST styling out of EVERYONE! The pose is a little stiff, and i think there could have been more of a CRAZY dance pose, but overall this is really a huge step up from last weeks photo, and definitely one of the top photos this week! Nice job!

Unfortunately I never got any judging from our third judge, but I did get judging from our second EXCEPT for Uitsili! 

Well, B.E.A.T.K.A, and Ann_Devil never sent in their tasks so they are AUTOMATICALLY up for elimination! Which means everyone who entered their tasks have made it to week 3!

Best photo goes to...

Ealain, Well done! Your scene was effortlessly flawless! 

Runner-up for best photo goes to...

Lil_Rocker_Grl, from the bottom to the top! Well done!

The rest are in order from BEST to LEAST

 B.E.A.T.K.A, and Ann_Devil you two stand before me for the same reason. You didn't do the photo shoot! That's super unfortunate because you both did so awesome last week. B.E.A.T.K.A you won BEST PHOTO last week. 

Which is why, B.E.A.T.K.A you get to move on to next week because you still have a better track record this season.

Ann_Devil, thank you so much for participating, I believe you could have gone far this cycle because your photo last week was promising! Thank you for competing!

FOR MORE on our CYCLE visit HERE

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