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Monday 27 November 2017

Net Neutrality

In case you haven't heard, the FCC (Federcal Communications Commission) is planning to roll back net neutrality.

What does that mean and what would that mean for me?

Net Neutrality means that governments and internet service providers must treat all date online (on the internet) the same. Meaning to to favour or neglect the other.

If net neutrality is revoked, this means that, to take the USA as an example, companies like AT&T, Comcast or Verizon can control what you do and see online. Not just that, other things they could do for example is the boosting or slowing down of the loading speed of certain websites, depending on how much they pay (bribe) them.
This means that if Stardoll for example, doesn't pay those companies enough, then they could just play around with the loading speed and we all are already pissed with how Stardoll's running already. If it then takes ages for everything to load, then Stardoll and any other webpage affected by this, is practically killed off, because who'd have the patience? I doubt I would. (Same goes for our beloved blog.)

By simply tampering with the loading speed, this would also open doors to create any competing service (music or video streaming for example), lower the loading speed of any other and basically kill off their competitors (That'd mean no more YouTube, Netflix, Spotify...), because once again, who'd have the patience? We'd most probably jump to the faster website.

The deminishment of net neutrality would equal in too much power in the hands of few.

How do I stop it?

Several webpages inform on and offer an easy way for you to contact congress (in North America) to put an end to this. Just about three weeks left to do so.

Yo! Here's one: BattleForTheNet

The stop of net neutrality would affect all of our lives online and if this terrible thing is going to take place in America, you can bet on your socks&shoes it's going to take place in the rest of the world as well.

So, find ways to help and spread the news about this like a contagious disease, my virtual people!

Virtual love,

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