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Sunday 12 November 2017

RNTM Cycle 1 - Task 4 Review + Task 5 Results + Task 6

The Vertical City
Episode 8
"The Review, Elimination, and Task"

Last task there wasn't an official post, I was very busy with college! We shall do a quick review!

The task was to recreate America's Next Top Model contestant photograph!

Ealain won best photo!

Ealain portrayed Raina's first photo in NEW ZEALAND
Ealain definitely had the most artistic, and model-esque photo out of the other 6. Louisa.Karemina, and Love Fontinh also produced steller fashion shots! While Lil_Rocker_Grl, and GirlSahar444 didnt impress much! However, Uitsili never completed the task and was eliminated!

During the break the TOP 6 flew to TOKYO
The Vertical City
They portrayed CRAZY tourists obsessed with KAWAII and HARAJUKU fashion!

Let's review! We shall go by submission order!

Up first, Lil_Rocker_Grl

Roxanne: I honestly think this is one of your best photos! You said that you portrayed the GLAM ROCK side of KAWAII/HARAJUKU. You definitely look like a crazy tourist who's gone mad with the style! I love the energy this photo gives off, and that your almost tipsy because you are at a Karaoke Bar! What did they put into that shake??? Nice job! I guess Tokyo really gave you some life! Keep it up!

Next up was, GirlSahara444

Roxanne: While I do think the styling was super on point, you didn't follow the narrative! If this shot was produced for lets say Vogue Japan, they would NOT put it in their magazine because it wasn't on theme! I have noticed throughout the cycle I have said you don't really follow the theme of the task, and it's the final 6! The theme of a task is the MOST IMPORTANT, because if you dont follow it, you end up with a random photo! Please, please, please start following the task!

Next up is, Lovefontinh

Roxanne: This shot is 90 percent HIT, and a 10 percent MISS. You look super HAUTE, the styling is so EDGY, and so awesome! You probably did the styling the best in my opinion! BUT, you don't look CRAZY for it, and the background just doesn't give your styling justice! If this were a fashion show task, this would be super insane! ALAS, it's not and it just doesn't fit the feeling I was looking for! Otherwise, its a steller photo! Good job!

Next up, Dorky123

Roxanne: This photo reminds me of Eboni Davis (America's Next Top Model Cycle 18) When they did the Hello Kitty photo! She was almost eliminated for it! I think the outfit is cute, but very underwhelming! You also just look like a model for a super quirky editorial, and not like a tourist at all! I think you need to take some risks, you are the model who has rested in the middle of the pack each week, and I just think we are starting to forget you! 

Next up, Ealain!

Roxanne: I honestly cannot believe I am saying this, but I really don't like this photo! Yes, the styling is there, yes it's VERY KAWAII, but with the stellar shots you have been producing since TASK 1, I am actually just underwhelmed! I seriously thought this was YOUR TASK, but this might be my least favorite photo submitted this week! The background is really confusing to me! I know it is supposed to be like the airport, but there is just a giant window at a REALLY gloomy city! I just think you could do 1608863 percent better!

Last but NOT least, Louisa.Karemina

Roxanne: Well I really like this scene! It makes me smile! I went to Tokyo about a year ago, and this is basically me! ABSOLUTELY dead set on shopping the entire CITY! Your outfit is so cute! The way you are holding the doll is very gentle, and I like it! I wish you looked a little more obsessed with the shopping, but the rest of your scene is really nice! Great job!

Now that you have all been critiqued, the time has come to send one of you back to your home here in Tokyo, pack your belongings, and go back home.Before that happens, we shall call out the 4 models who have made it to the FINAL 5.

Best photo of the week goes to...

Lil_Rocker_Grl, congratulations you had the PERFECT combination of crazy, style, and tourism!!!!

Runner-up for best photo is...

Louisa.Karemina, you two were NECK and NECK good job!

the next model safe is...

LoveFontinh, you have really stepped it up the past few weeks, keep it up!

The last model safe, and moving on to the final 5 is...


Ealain, and GirlSahar444, you two are up for elimination!

GirlSahar444, You haven't made your mark in this cycle yet, and I think it's because you haven't followed the narrative. You have good poses, nice styling, but that meas nothing when it isnt the theme! It's just a nice photo. 
Ealain, since task 1 you have been a  FRONT RUNNER in this cycle. But this task, a HUGE disappointment. It's like it was rushed, or you had no care for this week at all. I'm scared that this is what the rest of your tasks might be like, if you continue on!

So who stays? Who gets to join the TOP 5?

Ealain, I really hope this is a one time thing, I really enjoy you as a model, and this week really surprised me! Congratulations, you are still in the running towards becoming Roxanne's Next Top Model!

GirlSahar444, you did so well hun, and if we have a Cycle 2 I hope you audition! 

Now that we got the HARD part down, time for TASK 6

The five of you will choose a unique and popular building in Japan! You must do the the research about that building, and create an editorial based off the architecture of that building! 
You also CANNOT use clothing. You MUST build the outfit entirely of furniture! 
You are the top 5, so I know you can do HIGH FASHION! WOW US!

Due November 19 at 11:59 A.M.

Due dates are now only 1 week long due to the amount of you left!

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