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Tuesday 14 November 2017

Poker Classic cheque handed to Hospice

The recent Poker Classic in Markeys of Mile Mill raised �2,380 for St Brigid's Hospice on the Curragh.

It was organised by Anna May Brady and Jacinta Sully in memory of Anna May's late friend Freda Duggan, who was well know to many in the locality.

The organisers have expressed a special thanks to Ann Sully, Anne Birchall, Bridie Nolan, Ger Markey, James and John Brady for all their help. They are also very appreciative to all who bought tickets, donated raffle prizes, and who attended on the night.

Herbie Egar, another good friend of Freda's, sponsored the hamper and gathered in money during the week.

The winner on the night was Tommy Ward from Kilgowan.

Paschal England stood in as auctioneer for the many items to be auctioned, and along with his assistant Kim did a wonderful job.

Pictured are members of the organising committee with the cheque handed over to the Hospice. (Pic courtesy Jimmy Fullam.)

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